Joshua Chamberlain Bridge

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The day was bright with sunshine and wonderful patterns of clouds floated along in the sky.  Standing on the Penobscot River waterfront I noticed  the reflections of the Joshua Chamberlain Bridge in the river. This bridge was named after Bvt.Gen.Joshua Chamberlain for his bravery at Gettsburg. He was also the governor of Maine from 1/2/1867 to 1/4/1871. There are many interesting facts that have taken place on this bridge.  This bridge was formerly known as the "New Bridge" versus the "Old Bridge" for decades. (Basic thinking I would say) But, along and behind in the capture is the "New Old Penobscot Bridge".  And also, the train tressel that is behind the New Old Penobscot Bridge.  As I type this info. I am laughing as this is the trueth and I think a bit of New England humor.  To get back to capturing this photo. The river ran smoothly and gave such wonderful reflections with the clouds hovering above so beautifully.  I hope I have given you a smile or enjoyment in viewing.   


Beautiful Photo!

~Alan~ - Dec 16, 2011 08:42 AM EDT
Wow the reflection is amazing, you could almost flip the photo over and never know.. I like how you added in the church. That is funny about the new/old bridges, I'm so confused :-) It must be nice to have things like this to photograph, oh well back to dirt and cactus LOL..

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