Jelly Fish Yes Bluebottle ?

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We went to this very remote beach for my Fathers 60th
birthday Party. The scenery was breathtaking. We
took all the kids down the hill to the beach and
watched them swim. We saw these things scattered
along the beach. Non of us had ever seen them before
anyone have any ideas. there were bluebottles there
also so could be them. The kids came out once they were found.


TMR8 - Jan 29, 2008 04:43 AM EDT
Krenmoen thank you for the name I am going to google them and see what I can find about them.
Karen Moen - Jan 29, 2008 03:58 AM EDT
We call these Purple Man-o-War jellyfish. They have quite long stinging cells. At certain times of the year they get washed up by the tides.

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