It's Spring ! I Saw a Horse on the Tracks!

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Member: A.Lovely
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About This Image

Driving about my city I came upon the City Racing Track. There as clear as could be were two
wonderful horses practicing with thier drivers. Now I'm
not much of a betting person, but I'll bet my boots that from now on things are going to look very alive
and moving here in Maine.


A.Lovely - Mar 31, 2008 12:16 PM EDT
Thanks Talsi for viewing on my photograph and making a comment. It was fun watching the horses slowly moving about the track. The horse is such a beautiful creature.
talsi - Mar 31, 2008 07:24 AM EDT
Nice image - brings back memories of a time when I lived near horse racing like that.
A.Lovely - Mar 27, 2008 10:08 PM EDT
Thanks Gents for commenting on my photograph of the horse and driver. The temperatures were in the high 40's and it seemed like things were starting to come alive. Whittler, I understand how you feel, I have a friend in Aroostook county and they are really snowed in badly. Jas, take solace in knowing that my area is to get a bit of snow tomorrow. I hope it "is" just a bit. (smiling)My flowers are starting to grow in the garden.
Jas - Mar 27, 2008 04:51 PM EDT
Great picture Ann. I've seen this kind of racing on TV and would really like to see it 'for real' some day. Let's hope it will warm up soon as I think everyone has had enough of the winter now. It would just be nice to be able to go outdoors without a heavy coat and 'six' layers underneath. :)
whittler113 - Mar 27, 2008 02:57 PM EDT
A welcome sight for sureand a nice shot,those horese better stay close to the coast because inland they will be pulling sleighs.We still have 2.5 - 3 feet on the ground.
A.Lovely - Mar 27, 2008 10:02 AM EDT
Thank you Carol for your comments and viewing my photograph. I think so many of us are ready to dig in the garden and feel the warm air once again. It's been a very rough winter for so many people.
shutterbug - Mar 27, 2008 05:54 AM EDT
Sure is a sign Spring is here and im so glad, its been a very long winter. Great photo Ann. Carol

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