Iron Bridge

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Iron Bridge over the Saco River, Limington,Maine.USA.


shutterbug - Apr 13, 2008 11:06 AM EDT
Thanks Ann and Talsi for viewing and commenting,always appreciated. These bridges are becoming very scare here in Maine.This one is located in the village of Steep Falls it separates the town of Limington on the front side of the bridge and then on the other side of the bridge is town of Standish.
A.Lovely - Apr 13, 2008 10:31 AM EDT
What a nice capture of the iron bridge, Carol. They are becoming hard to fine. The one in our area was taken down a few years ago. The architecture is very interesting in these old bridges.
talsi - Apr 13, 2008 09:30 AM EDT
Nice shot of an old bridge. We have some similar ones here that are slowing being replaced.

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