Indian Garden

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Member: Silverdebster
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About This Image

The new Indian Gsrden was opened in the Hamilton Gardens this week. A gap appeared in the crowds of visitors to get in a quick shot, leaning against a wall to steady myself - will go back with a tripod some evening.


Guest - Mar 01, 2005 07:21 AM EDT
Very simple and pleasing location and photograph.
Guest - Mar 01, 2005 04:45 AM EDT
Nice architecture and I like the little peek you get of the outside framed by the woodwork.
Guest - Feb 28, 2005 10:42 PM EDT
very pleasing shot, spotted it immediately. Love the ivory tones and the edging details of the arched "window" and balustrade/wall. Not sure if that's the correct word, but have always wanted to use it : )

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