Inca Dove

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Member: Karen Moen
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Small Inca dove was my first "victim" with my new camera. It will take alot of practice.


Guest - Jan 08, 2006 01:05 AM EDT
Beaut shot of the dove Karen,such a pretty subject with delicate plumage.
Guest - Oct 27, 2005 02:39 AM EDT
Just saw this. Wow this is a real departure from earlier shots. I think the lens you are using is quite superb. Sharp detail, delicate color with strong depth of field. This is a wonderful photo. I bet you will take a quantum leap in your photography with your new camera.
Guest - Sep 09, 2005 08:41 PM EDT
Thank you for your comment. These small doves, as well as the larger white-winged dove and mourning dove, are quite common here. They range along the southwestern border and into Mexico.
Guest - Sep 09, 2005 10:34 AM EDT
I don't remember seeing an Inca dove before. What a beautiful bird and shot.
Guest - Sep 08, 2005 12:17 PM EDT
thanks, - yes, would do the same re buying the body separately and then choosing lens, esp if I get a Canon, as hear the kit lens of the Canons aren't that great. Know what you mean re prices of some lens, have been looking online and making notes for agees! : ) Well, good for you re "treating yourself"!! You deserve it. we all do at retirement time. Congratulations on your retirement.
Guest - Sep 08, 2005 11:55 AM EDT
I bought the body separately and then two lenses. The 80-400 AF cost as much as the body and other lens 28-85 and some battery chargers all together. It was my retirement gift to myself--my bonus for going to work every day and accumulating unused sick leave and personal leave days.
Guest - Sep 08, 2005 11:22 AM EDT
thanks for the tips, Karen. Altho am not clear as to what you mean re the lens options. Perhaps you meant that there was a special "kit package" ? we probably don't have that here yet : )
Guest - Sep 08, 2005 10:53 AM EDT
Thank you, Shutterbug and Whittler, for your encouraging comments. This was shot through a window and I think the glass may have caused a problem with the auto focus.
Guest - Sep 08, 2005 10:13 AM EDT
Great shot!! It looks like you will be having some fun with that camera.
Guest - Sep 08, 2005 05:06 AM EDT
Nice detailed picture of bird,Have fun with new camera. Carol
Guest - Sep 07, 2005 10:26 PM EDT
Thank you, Alandra. It was between the Canon and the Nikon. I liked the two lens 28-85 and 80-400 options. They are auto and manual focus, although the auto focus is tricky. I'll still use my Z20 for macros.
Guest - Sep 07, 2005 09:55 PM EDT
this caught my eye at once, - have never seen an Inca Dove, - another example of "burnished copper" as just mentioned on the leaf detail of RKB's : ) Will be very interested to see the results you achieve with your new D70, this is one on my long list of "considerations" : ) - seems to me you can't beat the colours rendered by the Nikons, as shown here. You did a great job on this one.
Guest - Sep 07, 2005 09:20 PM EDT
Thank you both for the encouragement. I took alot of pictures but most were not sharp so it will require LOTS of practice.
Guest - Sep 07, 2005 09:17 PM EDT
It might take a lot of practice...but you are off to a good start! Nice shot!
Guest - Sep 07, 2005 09:16 PM EDT
Beautiful shot Karen and congratulations on your new Nikon.

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