If I Could Talk

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Member: bubbalinn
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While driving around where I live I spotted this 1934 Chevy truck. I sure wish this old truck could talk. Oh well it will look cool again someday.


bubbalinn - Apr 06, 2008 12:23 PM EDT
Hi Alex, Thanks for giving me the year of this truck, I will add that into the description. If this truck was out in the desert I'm sure it would have a few holes in it. This one is next to a house and safe from the mad shooters. Thanks for your very nice comment :)
whittler113 - Apr 06, 2008 07:03 AM EDT
WOW!! what a nice old 1934 Chevy,and a great shot Alan.If that was in Maine,it would be full of rust and bullet holes.LOL
bubbalinn - Apr 04, 2008 10:00 PM EDT
Hi Jas, Thanks so much for your nice comment.. I guess I saved it in time from rusting more or being fixed up. It would be nice to see it all restored again. I'm glad you liked the photo :)
Jas - Apr 04, 2008 04:36 PM EDT
Great shot of a great piece of machinery Alan. Hope someone will give it some TLC and bring it back to it's former glory, I'm sure it deserves it. :)
bubbalinn - Apr 03, 2008 06:29 PM EDT
Hey Cindy, Sorry I missed you.. Wow goose bumps, you are for sure car crazy. LOL.. I'm glad my photo gave you such a neat reaction, when I see a old car rusting away it makes me sad. I can visulise it all fixed up and running down the road. If you would like to see a bunch of my Cars In Yards photos drop by the Route66WingsAndWheels site. Here is the tinyurl to take you to 30 pages or more of old cars. tinyurl dot com /2tv4aj You will have to put the link together. Brian has it set where links do not work, spam control..
bubbalinn - Apr 03, 2008 06:13 PM EDT
Hi Zoya, Alfresco, Ann, and Lorraine.. Thank you all very much for your fun comments. Well Lorraine, I would like to fix it up but I don't have that much time left LOL.. Hey Ann, I think those back tires will get you through the snow pretty good :) Funny comment Alfresco, I feel about the same, I'm all intact but getting rough ROFL.. Out here the old cars and trucks can last a long long time. Hi Zoya, I thought the same thing when I saw it.
Cindy - Apr 03, 2008 06:09 PM EDT
This photo gave me goose bumps when I first spotted it. A fine piece of Amercian metal. I can almost visualize its history. Neat photograph to view, give us some more Alan!! Lol
lorraine - Apr 03, 2008 01:48 PM EDT
Neat capture, some one will spot it and it will become another restoration project for some one.
A.Lovely - Apr 03, 2008 09:38 AM EDT
Boy, this truck really has seen a bit of hard work in it's time. Great capture,Alan. Gosh, come to think of it, I could use those tires for "my" car. LOL
Alfresco - Apr 03, 2008 12:22 AM EDT
That truck's about the same age as me, and in about the same condition (basically intact, but rough around the edges). Around here, after 70+ western NY winters it would probably be melted into the ground. It would be a great restoration project! Bruce
Zoya - Apr 02, 2008 11:23 PM EDT
Now Now this truck has character. and speaks volumes of a by gone era. well done

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