Icing Bible

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Member: GAV
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About This Image

This is a Icing Bible, that I made for my Nephew Tristan and his Bride Christina, for their Wedding on the 29th February 2008. The spray of Flowers are also Icing. I am just learning to do this Sugar Craft.


GAV - Mar 08, 2008 05:28 PM EDT
Thanks Tania. I had fun making the little Book. The surprised look on their faces was a real treat.
TMR8 - Mar 07, 2008 02:46 AM EDT
Gav Great Job. It looked realy great in person. the packaging was wonderful to.
GAV - Mar 06, 2008 12:31 AM EDT
Jas thankyou for looking and leaving a comment. Yes they were really delighted to receive the icing Bible from Auntie and Uncle. It didn't take too long to make. The drying of the icing took the longest. I have started having lesson in the making of Sugar Flowers, and really enjoy it. They are really fragile.
Jas - Mar 05, 2008 04:14 PM EDT
Great job! Am sure your nephew and his bride were delighted with it, it really is lovely. How long did it take to make? :)

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