Ice Fishing Bluegill

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Member: donwrob
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Got out on the ice finally. My buddy and I caught about 30 nice Bluegills and 3 small bass. Which wasn't bad considering we could not find live bait anywhere in the area. We used pin mins tipped with trout dough. Thanks for looking. Don


fishing book

chuck lichon - Mar 05, 2013 09:32 AM EDT
I might be interested in using the bluegill photo in my book if possible.........please contact me asap... chucklichon at yahoo dot com thanks
sparkle1103 - Feb 10, 2009 03:54 PM EDT
What a nice shot of the fish being caught thru the ice.
donwrob - Feb 07, 2009 11:04 PM EDT
Thanks guys! Talsi, they are definately the best eating fish on Earth IMHO. Got 2 meals out of this batch! Julie, If you look real close, along the edge of the gill plate there is a slight hint of blue. It doesn't show real well in this photo, but it's there. Thanks for all the nice comments! Don
JulieMetott - Feb 05, 2009 05:48 PM EDT
Cool picture! Actually icy cold, but why do they call it a Bluegill, when there doesn't appear to be any blue on it?
shutterbug - Feb 05, 2009 05:20 PM EDT
Great fish photo! Carol
talsi - Feb 05, 2009 10:24 AM EDT
Lucky you - Bluegills were my favorite food fish when I lived on a small lake in Mi. - and they taste even better when coming out of the cold winter water.

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