Ice Blue Waterfall

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About This Image

This was taken at the same waterfall as my Peter Pan waterfall photo but a year later and a close up. The lights were not a bright this year giving a softer effect


Guest - Feb 01, 2007 03:22 AM EDT
Mark I am glad you went to the lights and enjoyed it ;-)
Guest - Jan 30, 2007 04:58 AM EDT
great photo, I was just in NP in the weekend & went to see the lights. I love watching the waterfall as it changes colour. Excellent :-)
Guest - Aug 20, 2006 10:39 PM EDT
Thank you Mark. Glad this photo bought back good memories.
Guest - Aug 19, 2006 06:06 AM EDT
Tania, Your waterfall photo is just wonderful, I love it. I grew up in New Plymouth, and always have fond memories of going to watch the waterfall at night (especially when the xmas lights are going) & I still love going back to watch the waterfall & the park.
Guest - Jun 26, 2006 08:39 AM EDT
Look forward to it. It might hurry dean up with the alterations on our house ;-)
Guest - Jun 26, 2006 05:06 AM EDT
That sounds great Tania. I'm planning some holidays in between that time.
Guest - Jun 25, 2006 12:06 AM EDT
Thank you so much lulu that means alot coming from you. We will have to arrange a weekend when we are all off and go to NP for the evening they are on from Late November until early February each year
Guest - Jun 24, 2006 06:16 AM EDT
I have to see this waterfall Tania. Your photos of it are so pretty.
Guest - Jun 19, 2006 10:41 AM EDT
Buhe_id thank you for your nice comment
Guest - Jun 19, 2006 06:57 AM EDT
This is a nice pic, like in my dream...
Guest - Jun 19, 2006 06:27 AM EDT
It does give that impression. Other than cropping a little there is no maniputating done at all
Guest - Jun 19, 2006 04:30 AM EDT
me too. It almost looks too beautiful to be "real". The scene reminds me of a "fairy grotto" or something magical like that.
Guest - Jun 18, 2006 10:59 PM EDT
Thank you Alandra I loved the soft light and waterflow and rocks beyond
Guest - Jun 18, 2006 09:49 PM EDT
stunning scene of the waterfall, lovely. I do recall the photo from last year too.

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