I Spoilt His Fun

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Member: lorraine
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Rusty took a swim in the fish pond this morning, shortly there after he was "given" another swim in soapy water, I think I'm in disgrace now, as clean as the pond is he still got a bath. I think he prefered the pond smell to the nice shampo smell


lorraine - Jan 18, 2008 11:15 PM EDT
Hi Whittler, yes I know, well he will just have to put that on his wish list, but he did smell rather ripe, I think the neighbourhood ladies might have thrown him back some how?
whittler113 - Jan 18, 2008 06:01 PM EDT
Geez,thats animal cruelty,he was gettin all spruced up in the pond to check out the neighborhood ladies.LOL You caught a great expression.
lorraine - Jan 17, 2008 03:57 AM EDT
Thanks for looking in Tania, this one normally would have to, but I kept him on the lead them shut him in the courtyard, he did forgive me, right about his tea time.
TMR8 - Jan 17, 2008 12:11 AM EDT
Wonderful capture lorraine I wash my dog and he goes and finds something smelly to jump into lol
lorraine - Jan 16, 2008 07:10 PM EDT
Thankyou both Jas and Anne for looking in, he's still not talking to me, he's out sulking under the BBQ table, the neighbour popped his head over the fence, he's talking to him. The neighbours thinks it's so funny. they reckon I've really offended him. poor old Rust.
A.Lovely - Jan 16, 2008 06:23 PM EDT
Great photograph Lorraine. I love it!! It really put a smile on my face. Poor Rusty loved the pond smell. LOL Great job Lorraine.
Jas - Jan 16, 2008 05:52 PM EDT
Yes, Rusty looks a little disgusted. Great shot Lorraine; he's a lovely dog.

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