I Feel Good

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Member: lorraine
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Ollie having a good roll on the grass after her bath drying out, she really seemed to enyoy this, racing all around the lawn and going just silly. and trying to put a few of those smells back that my daughter had washed off.


lorraine - Oct 21, 2008 03:47 AM EDT
Thanks Alandra for looking in, I agree the dogs are the same the world over, they love to smell and are not to keen on being bathed, yet they love to play in water, sounds abit like my boys when they were little, they didn't like to be bathed either, thank goodness they grew up.
alandrapal - Oct 21, 2008 12:21 AM EDT
no matter where they live, the dogs all act the same, - as any dog I've known, has always rolled in the grass like that, after being bathed :) - and as you described, racing about afterwards, - they seem to feel sooo good afterwards.

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