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Score: 15.15
Views: 109
Member: Tanya
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About This Image

This was my Christmas present this past year. He is rotten to the core and tired of having his picture made! Hunter is a yellow lab.


Alfresco - Jul 18, 2008 09:15 PM EDT
Nice portrait! Hunter seems to have mastered that retriever "put upon" look of reluctant obedience. Labs, goldens, and the other retrievers are all great dogs!
alandrapal - Jul 18, 2008 02:50 PM EDT
Hi Tanya, good to see you here. Great image of Hunter. We have 2 yellow Labs also, - Maggie and Lucy, ages 11 and 7. Maggie we raised from a very young pup to be a Guide for a visually impaired person, but she failed the final part of her training, so we bought her from the BC Guide Dog group.

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