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Member: alandrapal
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About This Image

Rufous hummingbird, female "Top Gun" doing some fancy manoevering between the spikes of this wild flower.
taken from my favourite lookout post at the front open window, with telephoto lens. Retirement! : )


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Guest - Jun 12, 2006 05:44 PM EDT
Vicki, - forgot to thank you for the encouraging comments also, much appreciated : )
Guest - Jun 12, 2006 05:43 PM EDT
glad you like it, Vicki, am quite happy with this sortof unusual one myself. No, I don't use a tripod with remote trigger. I haven't got a tripod. My elbows are my "tripod", propped on the window ledge : ) (on a cushion for comfort's sake : ) The lens is image stabilized, so that helps am sure. I saw people taking pics of the owls a year ago, with IS lenses, and decided then "that was for me". Up til then, I wasn't aware they existed : )
Guest - Jun 12, 2006 12:37 PM EDT
Alandra - you've exceeded yourself once again. Is your camera on a tripod with a remote trigger? This is awesome!
Guest - Jun 12, 2006 05:50 AM EDT
thankyou Alex, yes you are right, it is very handy being able to sit there at the open window. Have been watching that wildflower gradually come into bloom, remembering from last summer how the hummers enjoyed it, - so just lately they've started feeding at it, so have been ready with the camera : )
Guest - Jun 12, 2006 05:35 AM EDT
Great shot. You are lucky to have such a perfect vantage point for your hummingbird shots.

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