Hummingbird Landing on Gazing Ball

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Member: alandrapal
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About This Image

hummingbird, Rufous, trying to land on the gazing ball.
captured from open front window with telephoto lens.
the hummers leave here in August, so decided to get some more photos now that these new birds have shown up here.


Guest - May 06, 2007 10:23 PM EDT
thanks Janice, happy you like it.
Guest - May 06, 2007 06:55 PM EDT
I love this shot.
Guest - Oct 30, 2006 04:13 AM EDT
I think these hummingbirds and the gazing ball photos are just stunning. They are really unusual and show a slice of life we rarely see. I keep wondering what that hummingbird must be thinking.
Guest - Aug 17, 2006 05:55 AM EDT
thanks so much for the nice comments, Don, Alex and Vicki. These little guys are pretty mean too, and spend much of their time chasing each other way from the garden : ) Vicki, good to see you here again, hope all's going well.
Guest - Aug 17, 2006 03:32 AM EDT
Alandra - this is incredible. I wonder if it was checking out its "competition". Thanks for the treat!
Guest - Aug 16, 2006 07:55 PM EDT
WOW!! very nice,the reflections are great.
Guest - Aug 16, 2006 11:33 AM EDT
I like this shot Alandra! The reflections are cool. Great capture! Beautiful shot. I wonder if Rufous h-birds are more friendly than Ruby throated? Those little guys are down right mean spirited. I figure a Ruby throated would have either broken the ball or died trying to beat up his own Don

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