Hoya Flower

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Member: Hellie1
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About This Image

I love the hoya plant I have in my kitchen, although my mother always insists it's too big & healthy to be real & must be a fake! It isn't, and it's in flower at the moment so, as the plant cascades downwards from the pot, I just held the camera underneath pointing up & clicked.....this is what I got. It wasn't until I looked closer that I could see the nectar the flowers exude too (the ants love it unfortunately!). It's very sweet & sticky (yes, I've tasted it lol).


I like the wax Hoya

Elizabeth Mingo - Apr 13, 2016 01:16 AM EDT
Where can purchase one? I live in Alaska and they are hard to find.
Guest - Jan 19, 2007 08:30 PM EDT
very nice image of this Hoya plant/flowers. Another name is wax plant/flower. I like the droplets of nectar showing. Lucky the nectar didn't get on your lens :)
Guest - Jan 19, 2007 07:53 PM EDT
You just reminded me that I love hoyas! I haven't seen one in ages. So now I'm going to have to find someone with a cutting!
Guest - Jan 19, 2007 03:47 PM EDT
WOW!! a great shot and pretty flowers as well.It sounds like it could be a messy one if it drips much nectar though.
Guest - Jan 19, 2007 11:51 AM EDT
Well, I'm glad to finally know the name of the plant I have with the strange flowers. I got it as a cutting from a friend about 9 years ago and this year was the first time it flowered. I tasted the nectar too :-). Very nice capture, Don
Guest - Jan 19, 2007 06:30 AM EDT
Very interesting plant, lovely photo. Carol

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