Hot Sauce

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Member: Dudley
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About This Image

This was taken at the French Market in New Orleans, Louisiana. These are different types of hot sauce. I only knew of a few types before I saw this shelve. The main type is Tobasco from Avery Island, Louisiana. Cajuns supposedly like their foods hot. This is actually just a rumor. True Cajun food is not overly spicy. They have a little spice but not to the extent that the general public may think.


Guest - Mar 29, 2005 09:59 PM EDT
Thanks for the comment. I do not put it in everything. I have never tried it in ice cream yet.
Guest - Mar 29, 2005 03:29 AM EDT
Great shot! I like a little food with my Tabasco. Tabasco on saltines is one of my favorite snacks. The kids hate when I cook because it goes in everything.
Guest - Feb 05, 2005 03:18 AM EDT
Thanks. Yes they do have a large part of the market but it is not the whole thing.
Guest - Feb 04, 2005 11:17 PM EDT
A friend of mine went to the Tulsa MBA program. They had the head of Tabasco come and speak with their class and indicated that Tabasco had a 99.9% monopoly of the hot sauce market. Obviously, their are a number of small entrepenuers trying to break into the market. Nice photo Dud.
Guest - Jan 22, 2005 05:51 AM EDT
Dud.. I did not have a clue that there were so many different kinds of hot sauce.. nice photo.. very colorful..
Guest - Jan 22, 2005 01:52 AM EDT
Thanks Jeanne
Guest - Jan 22, 2005 01:51 AM EDT
This looks my frined Michael's pantry...he LOVES his hot sauces!
Guest - Jan 21, 2005 10:25 PM EDT
Thanks. I did not compose the shot but I could not help but shoot the shot. I love hot sauce and felt like I had died and gone to heaven.
Guest - Jan 21, 2005 10:18 PM EDT
great shot, Dud. really like it. think it's one of my faves of yours so far. interesting and nice compositions of all the rows of bottles
Guest - Jan 21, 2005 04:52 AM EDT
Guest - Jan 21, 2005 03:30 AM EDT
Nice Shot! Loves the colors. Even the sidewalks are covered.

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