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Our water baby


Guest - Jun 13, 2007 04:28 AM EDT
Thank you lorraine and Bernie. When we arrived at the accident I got Maddy out of the car and my legs would not hold me up and I ended up on the grass. Being an ambulance officer years ago I have been to many crashes and never have I done that.
Guest - Jun 13, 2007 03:34 AM EDT
Tiana says "That is a beautiful (7 times) photo". And ofcourse I agree. I am so pleased they were ok. They must have been very frightened, as would you all!
Guest - Jun 13, 2007 12:12 AM EDT
I'm glad to hear they are both OK, I saw the accident photos in the paper, theres nothing that you can do once you have hit diesel, glad they are Ok but a terrible fright for you, take care.
Guest - Jun 12, 2007 11:35 PM EDT
Doug thank you for your comment
Guest - Jun 12, 2007 09:41 PM EDT
Lovely little gal, a nice one for your album.
Guest - Jun 12, 2007 06:44 PM EDT
Lorraine thank you. I took these photos on saturday when we had her for the weekend. I am glad I did. On tuesday we were looking after her again. Her mum was driving her to our house and came across an accident caused by a diesel spill on the road. a few KM down the road Nicola got caught in another diesel spill and lost controll ending up in a power line. I am so greatfull they were not seriously injured. Maddy and her mum are so special to us.
Guest - Jun 12, 2007 06:19 PM EDT
I love this the eyes really catch you, a very pretty little girl.

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