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Member: Ostar
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About This Image

Taken at the old Spencer Shops repair facility in Spencer North Carolina, this hook was used to raise steam locomotives off their chassis moving them to different areas within "The Back Shop" building for repairs.

From the top of the pulley to the bottom of the hook it stands about 6 1/2 feet in height. The facility was once owned and operated by Southern Railway and serviced their steam locomotives, when Southern started converting to diesel in the 1950's the facility soon became obsolete because diesel locomotives were less maintainable which led to the final closing of their doors in the mid 1970's, in 1979 the land and buildings were donated to the State of North Carolina and now houses the NC Transportation Museum.


Ostar - Dec 15, 2008 02:56 PM EDT
Thank you Alovely, The old broken window added an extra bit of character as a backdrop in this.
A.Lovely - Dec 15, 2008 01:00 PM EDT
Very interesting information and photograph, Ostar. The b&w really gives this capture impact. Nice lines caught in the photograph.

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