Hey You Guys!

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Member: bubbalinn
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Another Grackle visiting my birdbath. They have a nice collection of songs. The problem is they won't be quiet. They get on the edge of the birdbath and start yelling "Hey You Guys" :)


bubbalinn - Feb 28, 2008 01:58 PM EDT
Hi Anne, I'm glad you liked my noisy bird photo :) Thanks Very Much!! They sure do like to hear themselves, but I like all of there different sounds.
anne - Feb 28, 2008 11:02 AM EDT
Superb shot!! I can hear the bird! You're right - Grackles don't like to be quiet. *LOL* And you captured THAT moment. *g*
Guest - Dec 09, 2007 01:11 PM EDT
Hi Ann, Thanks for your nice comment. As Karen mentioned it might be a grackle. I'm not sure, I just take the photos lol.. They sure do make a lot of noise, but pretty noise. I can't wait until they show up again.
Guest - Dec 09, 2007 12:24 PM EDT
Alan this is one great photo of a bird. Who knows what he is saying but he sure is a talker.LOL I like the way the background is blurred so you can focus on the "talker".
Guest - Dec 08, 2007 01:52 PM EDT
Hey Beverly, Thanks very much for your nice comment. Sorry it took me ten months to reply ROFL..
Guest - Feb 13, 2007 08:10 AM EDT
Wonderful capture caught at just the right moment.
Guest - Feb 09, 2007 08:01 AM EDT
Hi Marsha and Alex, Thanks for the nice comments. They sure are a bunch of jabber jaws. They are not around here all the time, I have only seen a couple in the last week or so.
Guest - Feb 05, 2007 09:06 AM EDT
Great shot Alan,I think he might be hollering for some food,he looks a bit boney there.lol
Guest - Feb 04, 2007 06:25 PM EDT
Great capture. We have a lot of grackles here, and yes they are very noisy.
Guest - Feb 03, 2007 08:48 PM EDT
Thanks Don :) Yea the word must be getting out about my Binford, it was standing room only this morning.. Thanks also Zoya, Mary, and Carol for commenting on my photo. Glad you all enjoyed it. The birds whooped me today, not one keeper.
Guest - Feb 03, 2007 06:28 PM EDT
Great bird photo! Carol
Guest - Feb 03, 2007 11:38 AM EDT
My goodness, he has a "big mouth"! Gives me a smile. Well done capture
Guest - Feb 03, 2007 10:13 AM EDT
Great photo. Glad you did upload it. The eye makes it more special. Z
Guest - Feb 03, 2007 09:40 AM EDT
Cool shot of the bird Alan! Very nice work. Are you sure he wasn't yelling " Hey you guys! You've got to come see this Binford bird bath, there's room for the whole flock!" lol. Don
Guest - Feb 03, 2007 07:57 AM EDT
Thanks for the info Karen, I have found a few web sites for identifying birds but you almost need to know the name or you end up looking and looking. Hi Alandra, Thanks very much :) I'm glad you enjoyed it. Hey hope you have better luck with your next seagull encounter. Hey Steve, Thanks also for your really nice comments, oh and the humor ones. I like those the best lol.. I almost did not upload this photo, but like you I noticed how the eye really grabs your attention, so I changed my mind. Well gotta go, I have three signs to make for NASA lol...
Guest - Feb 03, 2007 03:00 AM EDT
Go back to signs, Alan, and stop wasting your time taking brilliant photographs!! :) This is a really striking image, and the eye against the black plumage is stunning! Great shot.
Guest - Feb 03, 2007 12:51 AM EDT
such a cool shot, Alan. Believe Karen's right about it being a grackle altho have never seen one. I saw a seagull opening it's beak quite wide today, but didn't catch it as well as hoped. But nowhere near as good as this one. love it
Guest - Feb 03, 2007 12:35 AM EDT
It looks like it might be a grackle. They are quite loud, especially when females are about.

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