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Member: alandrapal
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Great Blue Heron in our area.


Guest - Apr 24, 2006 08:47 PM EDT
One answer to the lens expense problem is purchase an adapter. My husband just bought a teleconverter that allows us to fit a 2nd hand Tokina 800 lens to the Canon Rebel XT - the lens purchased for NZ$40. The lens is so heavy we have to fix the lens to the tripod and the camera 'hangs' off the end of it :)
Guest - Apr 24, 2006 05:46 PM EDT
thanks Alex, it's surpising how fast they glide out of the viewfinder : ) and half the time I couldn't find them to even focus on them. Madeson was pushing the lens in the right direction for me, but I still couldn't see the bird, LOL.
Guest - Apr 24, 2006 05:04 PM EDT
WOW!!! again,great shot.
Guest - Apr 24, 2006 03:44 PM EDT
thanks very much, Carol, Mary in Kent and Marsha Sea. The lenses are expensive, but to me it's worth it. It's my only hobby : )
Guest - Apr 24, 2006 03:00 PM EDT
Another great shot. I am glad you shared your lens info with us. I use a 35-300 lens, and I have been thinking about getting a 100-400 lens. The one I am thinking about getting is quite pricey, and I have been wondering if the difference between 300 & 400 would be worth it. Looking at your pictures, I can see that it would be. I will have to start saving up.
Guest - Apr 24, 2006 07:39 AM EDT
Beautiful Alandra- it's like you are flying with him! Great angle and colours and just so peaceful.
Guest - Apr 24, 2006 07:29 AM EDT
Great photo !!! Carol
Guest - Apr 24, 2006 05:01 AM EDT
well, we weren't really that close, the birds are quite high up in the sky or in the trees, a distance away. But there are a lot of neat birds in the area : ) -am using a 100 - 400 lens. love it : ) - have hardly had it off the camera since getting it
Guest - Apr 24, 2006 04:46 AM EDT
Wow - what kind of a place do you live in where you get so close to these birds? What lenses do you use?

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