Heron takes off in last rays of sunlight, grass seeds scattering

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Member: alandrapal
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unusual view of a great blue heron, as he rises from the water at roadside, with the last rays of sunlight for that day, in the foreground, with seeds from the wild grasses scattering with the movement.


Guest - Oct 17, 2006 07:13 PM EDT
thanks again, Don. I liked that too, re the flying seeds. Initially thought it was water drops, but then realized it was the grass seeds from the wind the wings generated : )
Guest - Oct 17, 2006 07:03 PM EDT
Neat capture Alandra! I like the flying seeds. Good shot! Don
Guest - Oct 15, 2006 09:56 PM EDT
thankyou Vicki. Agree about reminding us of the Canada goose, as thought that about the red barn capture also.
Guest - Oct 15, 2006 05:39 PM EDT
What wonderful movement in this An excellent Great Blue, Alandra - oddly, like the one flying by that neat red barn, it's movemet makes me think more of a Canada Goose than a heron.

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