Heron in marshland

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Great Blue Heron walking in marshland in our area.
Mary, this IS the new lens this time :) - it was on the camera already when we spotted the heron today. This is the first we've been out in the farmlands for several days, due to vehicle problems (not to mention wet weather also).
Am quite pleased with the images taken today, as it was getting late by the time we went out, and was able to get several pretty nice images.


Guest - Nov 20, 2006 02:56 AM EDT
thanks Mary, - yep, that's what I heard also, re that lens. Yes, it is IS. (I only want IS :)- but believe they are available without IS also. Messed up on this image really, - captured from the passenger side of the vehicle, thru the open window on driver's side, so got the bottom of the window "blur" in :) So had to clone in a lot of plants etc, and it's still a bit blurry. I might try cropping the legs out and see if I like that better.
Guest - Nov 20, 2006 02:51 AM EDT
Nice capture and that lens with f2.8L is supposed to be a really good lens and good in low light. I don't remember if it is IS or not.

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