Hawk - Bombs Away! (watch out below)

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Member: alandrapal
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hawk - interesting capture :) - watch out below.
Noticed something streaking out as I took the images, but didn't realize it would show up like this.


Guest - Aug 06, 2007 04:35 PM EDT
thanks for taking time to look and leave a comment, Robin. I see what you mean, lol. true.
Guest - Aug 06, 2007 09:46 AM EDT
I just love the look on his face. You can see the 'grunt' in his eyes. Great shot!!
Guest - Aug 06, 2007 09:46 AM EDT
I just love the look on his face. You can see the 'grunt' in his eyes. Great shot!!
Guest - Jan 17, 2007 03:10 AM EDT
thanks Beverly, am often surprised at the images I've missed, also, as seem to be always here looking at them :)
Guest - Jan 16, 2007 11:10 PM EDT
Missed this one earlier, but don't know how. It is quite a capture.
Guest - Jan 16, 2007 08:55 PM EDT
thanks Tania, am glad you see the funny side to this one also : ) Had sortof forgotten about this, as it's sometime since we were out taking the wildlife shots around here.
Guest - Jan 16, 2007 07:41 PM EDT
I agree this is a great Nat Geo photo. the "exiting fluid" is just as sharp as the bird lol. Would not think that would be easy. I to am glad you were not standing in the line of fire
Guest - Oct 19, 2006 08:03 PM EDT
thanks Alex D, for the nice comments. - had stopped to capture some shots from farther away when this happened, - figured at least I'd get a couple of shots incase the hawk took off, as they usually do when they see me approaching. So I spotted this happening, but didn't realize it had been captured by the camera as it happened. It's too bad I hadn't been a bit closer, as those shots are clearer, naturally, - but who can choose, right.
Guest - Oct 19, 2006 04:44 PM EDT
Wow a real National Geographic shot. Incredible timing.
Guest - Oct 19, 2006 03:31 PM EDT
thanks Don and Alan for the funny comments :) Loved them. It sure was a wild capture. Glad I wasnt directly below
Guest - Oct 19, 2006 03:28 PM EDT
thanks Karen, glad you saw the funny side of it :) thanks also for the info. I think I had heard that somewhere along the way but wasn't sure.
Guest - Oct 19, 2006 02:35 PM EDT
Holy Hawk crap, what a wild capture. Great timing Alandra. I am way behind on viewing and writing comments, but I saw this one and had to take a minute. Unique capture for sure, Don
Guest - Oct 19, 2006 12:58 PM EDT
Ewww what a great photo of yuckeyness LOL.. This has to be a one in a million shot, I have never seen a photo of a bird doing it business before. You really need to get a life ROFL...
Guest - Oct 19, 2006 08:34 AM EDT
This one really got me laughing. I can't believe you captured that moment so well! Lol! I think birds are like snakes. They have one opening, the cloaca, and the liquids and solids are expelled together. Sometimes white and sometimes dark and slimey. Lol!!
Guest - Oct 19, 2006 01:18 AM EDT
Oh is that poop.
Guest - Oct 19, 2006 01:17 AM EDT
Now that is a good capture. I never knew that birds pee. Oh well.

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