Hawk overlooking our property

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Member: alandrapal
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Hawk overlooking our front lawn area.


Guest - Apr 09, 2007 01:40 AM EDT
many thanks for the nice comments, Beverly, - am quite pleased with how that one turned out.
Guest - Apr 08, 2007 09:29 PM EDT
Excellent portrait - nice clear eye, good feather detail, and good background.
Guest - Mar 30, 2007 07:15 PM EDT
many thanks Alex/Whittler and Alex D. I was just thinking about contacting you yesterday, Alex D, as it seems awhile since we saw you here. bye for now, Alandra
Guest - Mar 30, 2007 05:24 PM EDT
What an incredible shot. I guess you must like that 1.4 converter. It really brings you up close and personal with your subject.
Guest - Mar 30, 2007 05:04 PM EDT
WOW!! very nice.
Guest - Mar 30, 2007 12:10 PM EDT
many thanks Karen for the nice comments, always appreciated :) Yes, am afraid the hawk does come to our yard to hunt, as there are loads of birds here. I think he has something wrong with one foot, so I forgive him. He seems to be missing one claw and has a lump on his foot, have noticed from the closeup pics.
Guest - Mar 30, 2007 08:10 AM EDT
Beautiful portrait with nice sharp detail and that bright yellow eye. Hope it isn't hunting birds in your yard.
Guest - Mar 29, 2007 07:54 PM EDT
thanks for the nice praise, Alan, that's appreciated. Am quite happy with that one, think it's one of the sharpest I've got so far :) It was on manual focus too, as had the teleconverter on there, - so it's a bit "iffy" at times :) with my eyesight.
Guest - Mar 29, 2007 07:46 PM EDT
Wonderful close photo.. That eye really draws your attention. Then all of his feathers. Great Photo!
Guest - Mar 29, 2007 04:28 PM EDT
thanks for the nice comments Mary. He was obliging and sat there for several minutes. I notice (in some of my captures from yesterday) he's got a lump on one foot and looks like one claw might be missing and a bit deformed, so am wondering if this is why he favours the gardens rather than the open fields.
Guest - Mar 29, 2007 03:53 PM EDT
Beautiful capture and nice clear detail.

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