Have A Seat

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Member: bubbalinn
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About This Image

This is a view of Watson Lake in Prescott, Arizona. It was a nice cool morning and my first time in Prescott. I had a map that showed several lakes around the town. I picked Watson Lake and when I finally found it, I could not believe how nice it was. I had the whole lake to myself and that made it feel a little strange. All I could hear were some ducks in the distance. The way the rocks were shaped it made me feel like I was on a different planet.


Didn't see the match

Maria - Sep 20, 2015 08:41 AM EDT
Didn't see the match, but the night matches being taped delyaed is irksome. ESPN will be televising the US Open for the first time in just over a week. USA network was pretty damn good in their coverage. I think most tennis fans will be watching to see if ESPN drops the ball. Not burying the night session would be one way to build hype for the Open. They could really use the US Open series to build to the Open on their network.I understand LL baseball is huge and there's nascar tonight on the mother channel, but still...I dont' know what ESPN's block of time will be at the Open, but they better not screw up The Open at night. I want 7 pm coverage until the last ball is played. I think being on espn2 will stave off any fears of sportscenter cutting off coverage, but we'll see if ESPN2 can sell tennis for 2 weeks without giving up a night.
bubbalinn - Mar 17, 2009 12:02 PM EDT
Hi Carol, It was a great place and I will be going back there again the next time I'm up that way. I'm glad you enjoyed my photo...
shutterbug - Mar 17, 2009 06:15 AM EDT
This looks like a beautiful place to visit and what a great place to photograph. Carol
bubbalinn - Mar 16, 2009 07:41 PM EDT
Hi Chriss, Thanks very much :) I'm glad my photo calmed you down, it was very peaceful there that morning. I sat on that bench for a while just listening to the ducks. Hey have fun on your trip to the lakes, and take lots of photos..
chriss35 - Mar 15, 2009 03:02 PM EDT
This is a very nice image Alan, Stillness, peace and tranquillity comes to my mind, something I hope to get next week on my travels to the lakes. thanks for sharing Chriss:)
bubbalinn - Mar 09, 2009 12:39 AM EDT
Hi Ann, Thanks so much for your wonderful comments. That's very nice to know that you like my photo enough to view it again :) I'm sorry it took me so long to reply.
A.Lovely - Jan 24, 2008 12:57 PM EDT
I'm back to look again. This is such a wonderfully taken photograph. The reflections outstanding! The image is so clear and just a welcoming photograph to view.
Guest - Sep 09, 2007 09:05 PM EDT
Wow.. I'm really sorry about missing all of everyones comments on my photo. I'm behind again like two years this time, I'm so sorry. :( Thanks so much Vicki, Alandra, Vincent, Carol, Beverly, A lovely, and Tania.. I'm really glad you all enjoyed my photo of Watson Lake.
Guest - Sep 09, 2007 08:05 PM EDT
What an amaising photo I to would like to be there sitting on that bench looking at that lake. Thank you for sharing another beautiful part of this world
Guest - Sep 09, 2007 04:28 PM EDT
It is a wonderful picture. Very well done and very welcoming.
Guest - Feb 22, 2006 02:13 PM EDT
Beautiful picture. Makes me wish I could visit there. Everything is in good focus.
Guest - Nov 20, 2005 05:50 PM EDT
Beautiful senic picture!!! Carol
Guest - Nov 20, 2005 05:14 PM EDT
Cool pic Bubblin,love this scene,thanks for sharing...
Guest - Jul 30, 2005 07:01 PM EDT
what a vista! can't believe I missed this one til now! fabulous. DH has lived in Arizona, years ago, but I've never been there (yet : )
Guest - Jul 03, 2005 04:03 PM EDT
Alan, this is gorgeous. What a wonderful location, and incredible capture.
Guest - Jul 02, 2005 07:51 AM EDT
Just wanted to say "Thanks Everyone" for the very nice comments on my lake photo. After taking thousands of photos your bound to get a decent one now and then LOL....
Guest - May 08, 2005 03:49 PM EDT
Outstanding photo. I like the inclusion of the bench and caption.
Guest - May 08, 2005 12:28 PM EDT
I like the white tipped mountains far in the distance. It completes this great landscape.
Guest - May 08, 2005 06:33 AM EDT
First thing I thought to myself was "wish I was there!". Great shot and awesome depth!
Guest - Apr 08, 2005 03:23 AM EDT
This is an absolutely gorgeous photo. You have captured the areas true essence. Good Job!
Guest - Apr 07, 2005 08:52 PM EDT
This is almost surrealistic - totally beautiful.
Guest - Apr 07, 2005 05:36 AM EDT
Wonderful shot, great depth of field.

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