Happy Couple In Colour

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Member: Jas
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Here is the colour version of a black and white photo' I posted earlier. Comments and critique welcome. :)


Jas - Sep 09, 2008 02:39 PM EDT
Thanks Mike and Chriss, for the comments. Mike, the flowers are just how they were; I think they're cross bred to grow like that? Oh, yes, I'll definitely do another wedding...I won't let this thing beat me! :) Chriss, don't be confused about the comments; it's good to hear fellow artists opinions and I'm very grateful for all the comments, as I hope to learn from them. Thanks for yours and I have posted the original now, plus another with a difference. :)
chriss35 - Sep 09, 2008 05:12 AM EDT
Jas, This image of the happy couple is very nice, I read with confusion to some of the comment that have been made and yes like you I'm a novice at this hobby. Would you or could you please upload the original image. Chriss:)
GRUMPY - Sep 08, 2008 05:19 PM EDT
hi jas sorry press enter in error well i think maybe if you used a colour fron the brides flowers it may have a bigger inpact? but like you am learning so i could be wrong ,never the less i like it but the flowers are a little "false" i hope you try another wedding as i think the first one is scary but after that they will get better and confidence will grow kind regrds mike
Jas - Sep 08, 2008 05:18 PM EDT
Thanks Mike, those to 'm's, say a thousand words! LOL :)
Jas - Sep 08, 2008 05:14 PM EDT
Ikka and Lorraine, Thanks for all your constructive comments and advice. It's really helpful to know that other members are so willing to share their experience and hopefully, I will learn and improve on this area of photography! :)
GRUMPY - Sep 08, 2008 05:14 PM EDT
hi jas mm
lorraine - Sep 07, 2008 05:07 PM EDT
The image of the couple is lovely, I tend to stick to white misting for the borders for weddings, then it dosent distract away from the couple, because she has such a beautiful bouquet a shame to drown it out with too much colour in the border. I have just had the same problem with the faces of two hunters I've being fixing for the son inlaw. took awhile but he seems happy with the results. Beautiful photograph, the extras is just a bit of practice, you'r doing great.
Jas - Sep 07, 2008 06:57 AM EDT
Thanks, Alan and Bruce for your very welcome comments on this photo'! I think I am going to work on it a bit more and see if I can improve the areas you've both mentioned. I am a complete novice in the Portrait area of photography and have been asked to take 'official' photo's at a wedding next spring, so want to try and improve my technique a bit before then. Thanks again for all the comments, I really appreciate it. :)
Alfresco - Sep 06, 2008 09:26 PM EDT
I like the picture in both versions, very well done. Since you asked, there are a few things that, in my very inexpert opinion, might improve the image a bit: I agree with Bubbalinn, the color saturation is a little too much, the flowers look a bit unnatural and artificial. I like the warm skin tones, perhaps less saturation would reduce the groom's "blush". Selecting the color for the vignette from the flowers is a nice touch, but it's a bit intense with the high saturation, and seems to dominate the picture. Maybe a darker color from one of the roses? The vignette border is nice, but I personally would make the oval larger, mostly in the corners and just skimming the edges of the picture, and not impinging on the subjects. His hand and her elbow are sort of evaporating into the mist. In the monochrome version, maybe a slight sepia or ivory tone would soften the border and lend an overall softer, "antique-y" look. Bruce
bubbalinn - Sep 06, 2008 04:08 PM EDT
Hi Jas, Your photos of the happy couple is really nice. I always like black and white versions, they give you the feeling of it being a old photo. All I can suggest for this photo would be to cut the color down a little, the guy seems to be a tad on the red side. Then again he could be really nervous LOL..

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