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Score: 46.18
Views: 3510
Member: Doug Hough
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Four layers plus special effects filters.


anne - Apr 07, 2009 07:44 PM EDT
Doug - your pictures are always outstanding. This one is great also. I saw the bear on the cliff - and that moon pattern. The bear was looking at a wonderful sight, I am sure it was the perfect guardian and nothing would get by this guard bear!!!
Guest - May 27, 2006 01:20 PM EDT
Hi Brian, Thank you for your kind words. Doug
Guest - May 21, 2006 06:50 PM EDT
I like how the light looks like it's coming from the same direction, thus making it more realistic. Good job.
Guest - Feb 14, 2006 10:54 AM EDT
Thank you all for commenting. This is from a series of images I created to document my trip to the "Edge Of The World." Each image included text to lead into the next image. The text for this one is included below: On the very edge of the world, the trail from the forest led steeply up. I came upon a great bear staring off into space. He didn't speak but a voice came into my head. "Welcome," said the voice. "I'm the Guardian. I've been ordered by the Power to protect the earth, nothing will get past me." "But there are demons in the forest," I replied. "I saw them there." "Those demons live only in the mind of man," he said. "I cannot protect you from them. Take your camera to the top and record the message left there by the Prophets. Time is short for you." I moved up the trail wondering what photo ops the Guardian had directed me to. I also thought of the fame, the fortune and the power the photos would bring to me, just as soon as I captured the "Words of the Prophets."
Guest - Feb 13, 2006 01:26 PM EDT
WOW!! what a great job you have done with this one.
Guest - Feb 13, 2006 10:26 AM EDT
A slightly different subject this time, Doug - I'm glad Dud saw it too! It's an excllent composition - I'm sure it's even more intriguing at full size. (And thanks for the email and the links too - when I have more time online - probably in April when we get to Pennsylvania!!! I'll check on them both - but I will do so!)
Guest - Feb 13, 2006 09:16 AM EDT
I almost overlooked this one but I appreciated so many of your pics that when I saw it I had to click. And am I glad I did. This is a great pic.

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