Green Shutters & Red Leaves

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Score: 20.82
Views: 367
Member: alandrapal
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About This Image

this geranium overwintered, and I liked the red colour of the leaves. Taken from the open front window with telephoto lens as I waited for songbirds yesterday.
Then I played with the photo in the wee hours of this morning before bed : )


Guest - May 29, 2006 10:59 PM EDT
thanks again, Vicki, now that you mention "series", lol, guess I'll have to work on some others to add to the "set" : )
Guest - May 29, 2006 10:35 PM EDT
This one should be added to the same card pack as your blue geranium - they look like part of the same series - just lovely.
Guest - May 29, 2006 04:32 PM EDT
happy to hear you like this one, Mary in Kent. The lovely colour of the leaves really appealed to me. Suppose I should really have cut this geranium back, earlier, but would have missed the photo op if so : )
Guest - May 29, 2006 03:19 PM EDT
Great picture- so strong and colourful it is wonderfully uplifting Alandra!
Guest - May 28, 2006 04:59 PM EDT
thanks Carol, thought I'd have a change from eagle and heron pics : )
Guest - May 28, 2006 04:45 PM EDT
Lovely photo!!! Carol

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