Green on green

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Score: 50.42
Views: 1903
Member: rlephoto
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About This Image

Green Tree Frog (I think) This image was taken at the magic Wings Butterfly House in Durham, NC. Given they bring in plants from all over the world, this might not be a local species. I found it by its shadow showing through one of the huge leaves.


Hi Jonathan,As the h

Barbie - Oct 13, 2015 04:42 PM EDT
Hi Jonathan,As the hosted otiopns from Microsoft are free (or considerably cheaper) compared to on-premise installations, then we have taken the view to support these first as one would expect most schools to make the most of those savings. Local Exchange support is something under consideration but has not been prioritised as it stands today. We'll see what the uptake of the cloud-based variants are like first and then take a decision from there.
Guest - Jul 09, 2007 08:09 PM EDT
i never seen a green tree frog i always see the red eyeed tree frog but that is very amazing to see some that is very lovely and graceful. as that but these pictures are also very amazing and wonderful
Guest - Jul 09, 2007 08:04 PM EDT
i never seen a green tree frog i always see the red eyeed tree frog but that is very amazing to see some that is very lovely and graceful. as that but these pictures are also very amazing and wonderful
Guest - Apr 06, 2005 11:00 PM EDT
love the greens in this one. We get these frogs here also, came home onetime to find some clinging onto our front door!! No idea why. Have also found them in some huge dahlia flowers that we grew one summer.
Guest - Mar 29, 2005 04:11 PM EDT
Great shot love the color in it.
Guest - Mar 29, 2005 06:49 AM EDT
I really like the diagonal lines and the fact that the frog blends so well in the leaf.
Guest - Mar 29, 2005 02:11 AM EDT
He certainly looks like a green tree frog excellent shot as always T

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