Grandpa Minniss with game animals

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Grandpa didn't bag all of these animals. My dad and uncles were in on it too. This was during the depression and the Minniss family lived to a large extent on game animals and wild caught fish. I was born in 1931 and remember eating a lot of venison, antelope, rabbits, game birds, trout, and other game fish. Grandpa was 81 here. He lived six more years. My very vivid memory is of him stalking around the house, dying of cancer, loudly refusing grandma's orders to get back in bed. He seemed very fierce to me at the tender age of 5. The cancer finally got him. I have always admired him greatly. He was a real live Wild West Character. I'm grateful I knew him, even though I was so young at the time.


It's always a pleasu

Octa - Nov 25, 2015 08:45 AM EDT
It's always a pleasure to hear from someone with exrpetise.
Guest - Jan 16, 2005 12:23 AM EDT
We're all scattered and tamed down now. I used to hunt and fish but now I just dream about it and take photos.
Guest - Jan 14, 2005 11:11 PM EDT
Grampa looks like he knew how to take care of his family.I bet he had some real interesting tales to tell.My family were hunters and fished too and still do. Carol
Guest - Jan 14, 2005 02:30 PM EDT
Thats a great shot Gary, Yes back in those days, food didn't grow in the supermarket.If you didn't know how to hunt,(which apparently, he did) you would go hungry. Thats a nice old Model "A" too, though it would be tough to drive loaded down like that. lol

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