Grandads Girl

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Member: lorraine
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Madison in grandads arms, having fun being lifted high in the air.


lorraine - Jul 29, 2008 05:15 AM EDT
Thankyou Alandra for lookng in, Yes Madison has a new baby brother, Logan, I think the last of the grand children, They all have 2 each, my oldest son Ben has 2 boys, Marcel and Liam. My daughter Vanessa has 2 daughters Lucy and Cassidy. and my youngestson Leigh has 1 girl, Madison, and the new baby boy Logan.
alandrapal - Jul 28, 2008 03:43 AM EDT
Madison is sooo pretty! And how she's growing into a real little girl now. Looks as if she's had a fun time at Grandma and Grandpa's house. Now am I getting confused, Lorraine, but does Madison have a baby brother now? Am getting mixed up with all the "grands" of the different members :)
lorraine - Jul 28, 2008 01:41 AM EDT
Thankyou Talsi for looking in and very kind comment, she keeps her mum and dad on their toes these days, she's full of beans, I think she wears mum and dad out a bit.
talsi - Jul 25, 2008 08:57 AM EDT
What a sweetheart - Nice portrait.
lorraine - Jul 23, 2008 04:39 PM EDT
Thankyou so much Mary and Ann for the kind comments, it was just a quick shot as they were leaving, she is growing so fast.
A.Lovely - Jul 23, 2008 10:04 AM EDT
What a beautiful portrait of Madison, Lorraine. She sure is growing. The colors in the photograph are very pleasing.
marysham - Jul 23, 2008 01:49 AM EDT
Lorraine, what a pretty girl....nice smile and gorgeous brown eyes. Looks like she is enjoying herself.

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