Going Down

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While traveling in Tennessee and visiting Chattanooga with its famous civil war battlefield I couldn't help but to notice the cable driven incline railroad known as the Lookout Mountain Railway with its 72.7% grade that bills it as the steepest passenger railway in the world and being a railroad fan myself I couldn't wait to jump on board this unique ride. The view from its windowed carriage on a clear day is nothing short of spectacular as shown in this photograph that I took while standing at the rear of the car.


Ostar - Dec 18, 2008 11:56 AM EDT
thank you Askul, Its rather slow my guess about 5-10 mph for what I remember. Also it's a cable driven railcar with brake lock features (just in case). :)
azkul - Dec 18, 2008 10:21 AM EDT
Wow! That's amazing! How fast does the train get going?

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