Glowing Tulip

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Score: 23.24
Views: 869
Member: Jocelynne
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About This Image

I had a photo of a tulip from our yard that I was trying different effects on and I really loved this one and thought I would post it. I just think it's a neat effect. I also tried the same photo with the "plastic wrap" filter, and if you haven't tried this filter yet, it's fun! Give it a try!


Guest - Jul 16, 2006 03:54 PM EDT
That's awesome! I wasn't sure if you used glowing edges or plastic wrap when I saw this but now I know! It looks awesome =) oh & don't worry... I have the same problem when it comes to filters with tons of settings lol I like flaming pear, I haven't even used 1/2 of what I have yet but I'll get to them eventually! lol <3
Guest - Apr 13, 2005 08:38 PM EDT
You're very artistic, and creative. I love all of your work!!!
Guest - Apr 13, 2005 04:49 PM EDT
Hi Jocelynne, this photo of yours just appeared again, and was just thinking about it last night, - as created something similar when playing with some tulip pics : ) and remember writing that would look forward to being able to create one like it. Have just checked my earlier comment here, and see that it was last August : ) I'll put mine up sometime soon.
Guest - Oct 10, 2004 02:20 AM EDT
A neat photo. Very artistic.
Guest - Aug 29, 2004 03:52 PM EDT
Thanks! I have a hard time with some of the filters that give you too many different settings to adjust, but the ones with obvious changes are a lot of fun!
Guest - Aug 29, 2004 03:20 AM EDT
that is unusual and very nice. reminds me of black velvet with fiber optics edging the flowers, leaves etc. am looking forward to trying some of these neat effects

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