Gliding Brown Pelican

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Member: bubbalinn
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About This Image

While on vacation back in July 06 we traveled up the coast from California to Oregon. Then when staying in Newport, Oregon where I caught this pelican gliding up the coastline. Notice the landing gear is up for less drag lol..


Guest - Apr 23, 2007 11:04 AM EDT
WOW!! very nice shot Alan.
Guest - Apr 22, 2007 06:31 PM EDT
Thanks very much Vicky, Carol, Beverly, Anne, Golda, Steve, and Marsha for all your wonderful comments. I hear ya Marsha about there landings, they just don't do very well lol.. Hey Steve, they do look like a small pterodactyls. Vicky, this one was the leader of a line of five or so. Thanks again everyone for your comments :-)
Guest - Apr 22, 2007 03:21 PM EDT
Great photo of the pelican. I used to love watching them in California. They glide so gracefully, but when they land in the water it looks like a crash landing. Lots of fun to watch.
Guest - Apr 21, 2007 05:04 PM EDT
Lovely shot, Alan. It looks like a pterodactyl to me!
Guest - Apr 21, 2007 02:08 PM EDT
Great expression on this one.Looks almost old and wise,or young and goofy.Wonderful clean image.
Guest - Apr 21, 2007 10:19 AM EDT
Great picture, bubbalin - I had not noticed before what a sharp head the pelican has!! And this one seems to just glide through the air. I am so glad I got to see it. thanks.
Guest - Apr 21, 2007 08:25 AM EDT
Great capture - my favorite shore bird.
Guest - Apr 21, 2007 07:49 AM EDT
Beautiful Pelican, great capture! Carol
Guest - Apr 20, 2007 11:00 PM EDT
Terrific image, Alan. I love watching them appear to glide through the sky single file! Excellent detail here. Vicki

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