Gary and Smokey

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Smokey has been gone for quite some time now, but I just found this photo that I had forgotten about.


Guest - Jun 26, 2006 01:07 AM EDT
Thanks so much, Vicki. Actually, Smokey was a female. I sure do miss her still. We now have a cat named Lilly. She joined us just before Smokey died. Lilly is the spookiest cat I have ever seen. I cannot pick her up. It scares her half to death.
Guest - Jun 18, 2006 12:05 AM EDT
Thank you for sharing Smokey with us, Gary. He looks as laid back as my Toby was, in London, decades ago.
Guest - Jun 14, 2006 03:38 PM EDT
Hi Gary, yes it's strange how some cats never become that cuddly, we've had some like that too. The one we have now is ultra loving, which apparently is unusual for Abyssinians, at least that's what one vet told us. He was a stray too. Most of our cats have been strays : ) It seems they know where to come to for help, like the one who has shown up at your house now. I hope she will remain there, it's nice of you to help her.
Guest - Jun 14, 2006 01:15 PM EDT
Thanks Alandra. Smokey was very special. My favorite cat that I've ever had. Very affectionate. We have a cat name Lilly now. She is very nervous and spookey and can't stand to be picked up. She is gray and white. A new cat showed up this morning. I think it's a female. Yellow striped with a very long bushy tail, but very thin. She has a color on, but I'm wondering if she is lost. She was wary of Lilly, but friendly with us. After Lilly ate, the yellow cat went and ate all the rest of the food. She must have been very hungry. I kind of hope she sticks around. She seems to be a very nice kitty.
Guest - Jun 14, 2006 07:08 AM EDT
very special and nice shot, Gary. It's good to look back on happy times with pets who are long gone. Am happy for you that you found this one.

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