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Score: 13.82
Views: 303
Member: ALPHAZED54
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About This Image

Practicing macro with my new camera


Guest - Apr 25, 2007 03:05 PM EDT
echoing the other statements, very good. enjoy that new camera!
Guest - Dec 17, 2006 02:29 PM EDT
Doesn't look like you need much more practice, judging from the quality of this shot! Really excellent lighting brings out every detail and powerfully conveys the texture of orange skin.
Guest - Dec 16, 2006 09:20 PM EDT
Alphazed54 nice shot the ornge is so detailed looking forward to seening more of your photoz
Guest - Dec 16, 2006 08:43 PM EDT
Really nice close shot of the orange. I'm a Canon lover and have two of them, a G3 and 300D Rebel. From what I have heard and the photos I've seen that S3IS is a awesome camera.

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