Froggy Trio

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Member: Hellie1
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About This Image

This is a picture of my new 'babies', Whistling Tree Frogs that I nurtured from tadpoles. Don't ask me why I love frogs, I just do. And they're SO much more interesting than goldfish. These three are called Kermit, Guru & Winston (Freddo was sulking in another corner of the tank) and they've all decided this particular branch is the spot to hunt fruit flies from.....and if there's no room, they just climb on top of whoever was there first! Lol, they really are a hoot.


Guest - Nov 03, 2007 11:26 PM EDT
Great shot of the little guys! Very cool to raise them from tads. Cute capture! Don
Guest - Nov 03, 2007 04:14 PM EDT
Thanks, I love sharing. And I forgot to mention, these little guys are only about as big as your thumb-nail at their biggest and don't really get much bigger. So, WAY cute & you can happily house 4-5 in an average sized tank. And the males don't start 'whistling' till they're 3-5 years old so I'm still waiting to hear them too! :o)
Guest - Nov 03, 2007 12:16 PM EDT
Oh, I wish I could hear them whistling. And how wonderful to raise them from tadpoles. I think they are super cute and thank you for sharing.
Guest - Nov 03, 2007 12:15 PM EDT
Looks like a great interesting hobby to have. Carol

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