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Score: 17.59
Views: 621
Member: sanddrag
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turkeys hanging out in my back yard


Guest - Sep 21, 2004 08:12 PM EDT
Must have been coming from my yard great pic liked looking at them
Guest - Sep 13, 2004 06:25 PM EDT
thanks for the comments, i use a sony cyber shot dsc-f707,yup carl zeiss lens,
Guest - Sep 13, 2004 04:43 AM EDT
Hi, that's really neat, nice colors in the different greens. -- have never seen a wild turkey. As the saying goes, "don't let the turkeys get you down" lol. Which cybershot do you have? I have the Sony cybershot DSC S 70, one of the first ones, it took some great pics, and now have the F717, love them, great Carl Zeiss lenses
Guest - Sep 12, 2004 09:35 PM EDT
lovew this one. we have a lot of these guys here in CT Tam

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