Flower Close-Up

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Score: 27.2
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Member: Lulu
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About This Image

This is the centre of one of the Magnolias featured in Meridianz gallery. They are so pretty that we are making the most of photographing them. I found these centres to be very unusual.


Guest - Apr 05, 2006 03:48 PM EDT
Thanks Talsi for your wonderful comment. I'm quite fond of this photo myself. I think its the colours and the softness that get me. Funny thing is that I had looked at these flowers many times but never noticed the stripes until I photographed it up close.
Guest - Apr 05, 2006 12:08 PM EDT
Super macro shot of a delicate beauty.
Guest - Aug 28, 2005 03:35 AM EDT
Thanks Mel and Shirree. Yes, candy was the thought that came into my head also. Thanks for having such beautiful flowers in your garden to photograph.
Guest - Aug 27, 2005 05:19 AM EDT
This is such a beautiful shot Lurene. It is so sharp, and I know how hard it is to get enough light without shadowing. I know what you mean when you say the centre looks like you could eat it - they look like some sort of candy. Mel, Kim was just saying today that he thought magnolia centres reminded him of sea anemone.
Guest - Aug 27, 2005 04:11 AM EDT
I have to say this photo is brilliant Lulu. I love Magnolia's and I have loved seeing your's and Shirrees photo's - they are all different and lovely. I have seen so many in flower lately. I miss my big old Florida magnolia even more now (at the old house). I think the centre (anthers??) look like a sea anemone - doesn't anyone agree?
Guest - Aug 27, 2005 12:36 AM EDT
Thanks KM, Tania and Alandra for your lovely positive comments. I have more flower close-ups that I am going to upload sometime soon so keep your eyes out on my gallery. Karen, I have a white magnolia too but its not in flower yet. This variety is so beautiful. This centre looks like you could almost eat it. I was extremely proud of this one as it needed no editing.
Guest - Aug 27, 2005 12:16 AM EDT
You captured this flower beautifully. Our magnolisa are pure white.
Guest - Aug 26, 2005 02:21 PM EDT
Lulu you have got the talent for Macros well done they are not easy. Did you use a tripod or is the camera hand held. I love the center of this Magnolia. Mum has got a wine coloured Magnolia in her front garden, if you want to photograph different ones. The colour start of deep and fades to a pinky cream.
Guest - Aug 26, 2005 12:32 PM EDT
great macro Lulu and such a delicate pink interior of the petals. beautiful flowers.

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