Flooded Fords

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Member: lorraine
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We went out to the farm for a drive this afternoon, we had to cross quite a few Fords to get there, we decided to take another route home, but the third Ford that we came to looked to risky to go through with two small kids in the back, even in a 4x4,
The road runs along side a river which today was to swollen to risk getting dragged into. it was to rough to get out of the car for these shots, so I took through the from window.


lorraine - Aug 17, 2008 12:04 AM EDT
Thankyou Whittler, we have being since told that the water rose another 2 feet before the storm was over, another normally dry creek crossing further down reached a height of over 4 feet, with a dam bursting during the night.
whittler113 - Aug 12, 2008 10:26 AM EDT
It sure does look treacherous,I think you made a wise decision taking a shot from the vehicle.
lorraine - Aug 02, 2008 05:11 PM EDT
Thanks Karen for looking in, you are right,my daughter drove up to it and said no, it wasent worth the risk, and she also said the force behind that water could so easy take a car of the road and a couple of metres down straight into a flooded river.
Karen Moen - Aug 01, 2008 01:57 AM EDT
This looks like a scene from Texas when we have flash floods. People still risk their lives trying to cross in their cars and getting washed away by the force of the water.
lorraine - Jul 31, 2008 05:28 PM EDT
Thankyou for looking in Paul and Ann, this is not something that I have seen before, other times that we have being here they are just dust patches in the road. it's rained all night so it will be interesting to see if we can get back out to the farm today.
A.Lovely - Jul 31, 2008 10:26 AM EDT
Lorraine interesting photograph. Good thing you didn't get into this rushing water! Wow!
PaulGray - Jul 31, 2008 03:24 AM EDT
Lorraine, That certainly looks dangerous for a ford. Reminds me of our summer last year here in England. A good photograph, considering it was taken through the window.

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