Floating Homes - November Dusk

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floating home community, (Canoe Pass Village), on an estuary of the Fraser River. This was captured from the open window of our vehicle as we were crossing a bridge over the Fraser river this evening.
I googled "Canoe Pass village, Ladner BC" and see that there is one floating home that has B & B, - photos on the site, -there might be more, - would love to spend a couple of days on a floating home.

The Reifel Waterfowl Refuge is near here, so we had gone there hoping to see the Snow Geese that arrive for the winter at this time each year, but only saw some snowgeese flying overhead as we were driving. Will return soon, if the weather holds.


Guest - Mar 03, 2007 12:27 AM EDT
interesting that you should comment on this particular photo, Susan (thankyou by the way:) - but we saw the very same scene as we were returning from seeing the Snow Geese a couple days ago, over that same bridge. Madeson asked me if I wanted to get a pic of the floating homes, but I said "no, nobody was interested in them" -- and now here you have commented on this very scene. Coincidence, isn't it! Glad you find it interesting, Susan.
Guest - Mar 02, 2007 10:52 PM EDT
Interesting picture, never seen anything like this before.

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