Flax Flower Close-Up

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Member: Lulu
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A close-up of the flower from a giant sized flax bush.


Guest - Sep 06, 2005 06:01 AM EDT
I'm really not sure these are a type of flax. Shirree and I are busy on the hunt for the name of this one also. These seem to be everywhere though but they are a plant that you just don't normally notice. As stated in Shirrees "triffid" pic, these are really quite big. But you are right, it does look like an artichoke. I'm glad that you agree on my camera purchase. There were only a few subtle diffences between the two models (and about $500 in price). One of those being the megapixels. The 350D is 8MP whereas the 300 is only 6.2 or something. I weighed up the pros and cons and realised that 6MP is quite enough for me. I'm happy and I love my new camera. Those little things don't feel like a real camera to me. I'm too used to the old SLR type. Oops I nearly forgot.....thanks also to Mel for your comment.
Guest - Sep 04, 2005 04:52 PM EDT
agree about it resembling an artichoke, - never having seen a flax flower before, thought that it was an artichoke til reading the earlier description : )-- this was the photo I was referring to earlier, Lulu. thanks for the lens info. Believe you have a great camera there, - from reading a message board sometime ago, saw where some fellow in England, I believe, got an EOS 350D, thinking it would be better than his 300D, which he'd sold to his dad in law, - had the 350D for a couple weeks, didn't like it at all, planned to return it, and was afterwards trying to find another 300D to replace the one he'd sold, before they are no longer available! So that made me shy off the 350D somewhat after reading that some mos ago. 'Course, the one he had could've been a "lemon", as with anything else, -- but it does make you stop to think. so believe you made a wise choice.
Guest - Sep 04, 2005 03:20 PM EDT
Gosh, this is almost like an Artichoke (don't you think Lulu?). It's detail is so clear and alluring. Well done.
Guest - Aug 30, 2005 02:22 PM EDT
Thanks Alandra. I really value your comments.
Guest - Aug 29, 2005 11:05 PM EDT
excellent macro, Lulu! and interesting and unique also. so much detail, you can see each individual segment.
Guest - Aug 29, 2005 07:11 PM EDT
Thanks for your comment Shirree. Its funny, these look like giant asparagus. I decided to go for a different look by using just the centre of the "flower" instead of the whole thing. This kind of thing appeals to me as you can't really tell what plant actually is from this close-up. Like I said, it could be an asparagus, but its not. Meridianz has one in her gallery showing the whole flower. These are really quite big.
Guest - Aug 29, 2005 12:38 AM EDT
A beautiful photo. The colours are magnificent, the clarity is outstanding, and the composure is perfect. Thanks for sharing!

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