Flamingo Love

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Member: jru1225
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I am convinced that these flamingos posed for this picture. Flamingo love at its finest. It is breeding season and they mate for life! Captured at Ardastra Zoo in Nassau.


jru1225 - Jul 31, 2009 07:19 PM EDT
Thank you kindly!
sparkle1103 - Jul 31, 2009 03:05 PM EDT
Beautiful flamingoes.
jru1225 - Jul 26, 2009 10:01 AM EDT
Alovely, I have heard that too! I wanted to feed a flamingo because I remember a friend of mine feeding them in Sea World. Alas, it was not meant to be because they eat upside down and they eat out of the water. But I got to stand around with them and that was good enough. Surprisingly, a few were quite aggressive with the other tourists!
A.Lovely - Jul 23, 2009 08:13 PM EDT
Nice capture, Jru. That is very interesting about the mating habits. I also heard that they are the color that they are because they eat shrimp. Now I laughed at this idea, until I read it somewhere years ago. Have you heard that too, Jru?

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