Fish Dianne

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Member: Dudley
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This was what Mom cooked for supper one night. It was truely a family meal. Mom made it based on my Sister's recipe. My Brother In Law caught it from Lake Pontchartrain. My wife, neice, mom, and I ate it. It was one great meal. It is fantastic to live in Louisiana where you can get such great food.


Guest - Nov 25, 2005 04:29 PM EDT
You are quite welcome and thanks for the comments. I hope both of you enjoy the meal. It is one of the best on the Bayou State.
Guest - Nov 25, 2005 11:59 AM EDT
that does look and sound good, thanks Dud. We've got some fish in the freezer and it would be a change to cook it a different way, usually I just "coat it and bread it", with bread crumbs. Don't have any Kitchen Bouquet on hand, have seen it but have never used it that I can recall, will hafta check it out to see "what's in it", as I dont use certain flavour enhancers. but have everything else.
Guest - Nov 25, 2005 11:24 AM EDT
Thanks to you and your Mom for the recipe Dudley. I will be making it. I thought the fish was covered with mushrooms but wasn't sure.
Guest - Nov 25, 2005 11:20 AM EDT
Here's the recipe. Sorry for the delay but I had to get with Mom in order to get it. We live in the same house so that should not be a problem but ...... Fish Dianne Have all ingredients ready before cooking since the cooking goes fast. Four nice pieces of fish 1T each Butter and vegetable oil 1 can(3 oz) sliced mushrooms, drained save the juice 4T butter 2 green onions, chopped 1 t dry mustard 3T lemon juice 1/4 t Worster Sauce 1/4 t salt 1/8 t pepper 1/2 t cornstarch 1/8 t Kitchen Boquet Salt and pepper fish, quickly sear fish in hot oil and butter until cooked rare transfer to hot serving platter Sauce-Add remaining 4 T butter to pan drippings, saute green onions, combine broth mustard, lemon juice, Worster sauce, salt, pepper, cornstarch, and Kitchen Boquet. Mix until smooth. Then add to onions. Cook and stir till sauce thickens slightly. Add mushrooms and spoon over hot fish.
Guest - Nov 21, 2005 07:17 AM EDT
Thanks for the comment. I will have to get the recipe from Mom. It is delicious.
Guest - Nov 20, 2005 02:16 PM EDT
I have to say it looks delicious! Can you share the recipe? :) Nice photo.

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