First macro shot

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Member: sgbrown
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This is a weird plant a friend gave me that sits on my windowsill. Its strange flowers became my first macro model!


Guest - Jun 19, 2007 07:38 AM EDT
Interesting leaves alright. Great macro. Looking forward to more Macros, as I'm guessing there will be plenty soon, and can't wait to see Mikes history of the flower :)
Guest - May 01, 2007 09:10 AM EDT
Thanks Marsha - and we already dealt with the lens! And thanks too, plumeriagrl. Yes, I'm looking forward to going macro-crazy!!
Guest - Apr 30, 2007 09:00 PM EDT
Very nice macro, especially for your fist picture. Don't you love all the details that you pick up with those lenses. That was the first type of lens that I bought when I started with photography. Have fun and your off to a great start!!!!
Guest - Apr 30, 2007 12:40 PM EDT
Very nice macro. I want to hear all about the lens, and if you would recommend this lens. A macro lens is going to be my next purchase. I have the 80-400 VR lens, and I love the VR feature.
Guest - Apr 30, 2007 08:43 AM EDT
Thanks, Mary and Mike. Technically I was a little disappointed as the image doesn't have that crystal clarity I was hoping for, but not bad for the first shot, I suppose! Yes, Mike, new lens (Nikkor 105mm macro f2.8 with VR), and please don't ask how much it cost!! I'll see what I can do about the full plant portrait!
Guest - Apr 30, 2007 06:56 AM EDT
intresting shot mate ! you have captured it nicely even right down to the fine hairs so i guess you bought a new lens then lol ps any chance of a full picture of flower to see if i can name it? you no me and info lol
Guest - Apr 30, 2007 02:54 AM EDT
Very nice macro. I like the composition and lighting. The dark background and lighting shows up the fringed edges of the plant nicely.

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