First ice

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A dry leaf is being blown across the first ice covering a local pond.


Guest - Dec 09, 2007 09:12 AM EDT
Thanks for the great comments Lorraine and Jas,this ice is only about 1/2 inch thick now but it will soon be about 2 meters thick.On some of the lakes we have car races in the winter.
Guest - Dec 07, 2007 07:06 PM EDT
I agree with Lorraine's sentiments. We, very rarely get frozen ponds or lakes in the south of England so to see an image like this one is unusual for us. A simple, yet, magical image which, seems to me, emits a feeling of sadness, for some reason?
Guest - Dec 07, 2007 04:27 PM EDT
Love the leaf on the ice, we dont get things that frozen like this. where we live during the winter, a pond might freeze but only untill the sun gets onto it.

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