First Daffodils this year March 2008

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Member: alandrapal
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first daffodils in our front garden this year. Captured from open front window, telephoto lens.


alandrapal - Mar 13, 2008 01:11 AM EDT
thanks to all of you, Alex, Janice, Golda, Anne, Ikka and Kate. appreciate all the comments. The DOF is created "automatically" with the telephoto lens. I don't have a macro lens yet, so just make do with the lenses I have, til making up my mind about a macro lens.
sparkle1103 - Mar 13, 2008 12:38 AM EDT
When I saw these I was wondering if they were Alandrapals and they were. Great shot. Very clear and I love the way the back 2 are sort of blurry.
A.Lovely - Mar 12, 2008 11:47 PM EDT
Oh Alandra you have Spring! We all on the northeast coast are just waiting for warmer weather to melt all this snow. This is such an enjoyable photograph to view. Thanks for sharing it.
golda - Mar 12, 2008 02:12 PM EDT
Fresh and beautiful Alandra.Spring is here.
whittler113 - Mar 12, 2008 08:56 AM EDT
Oh Boy,what a welcome sight,we still have 4 feet of snow on our garden.

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