Fire Within

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About This Image

Capturing the fire within this opening flower bud.


Guest - May 06, 2006 06:40 AM EDT
Thanks quite alright Lulu. Thanks for checking out my photo's!
Guest - May 06, 2006 03:01 AM EDT
I love the colours Mel. Its interesting how you did it. I like it when people give a description like that. People aren't so lucky with mine though because I play around with them so much that I forget what I did. Oh well, its all good fun trying to recreate it again.
Guest - May 05, 2006 06:27 AM EDT
Thank you Mary.
Guest - May 05, 2006 06:20 AM EDT
So striking and beautiful. The colours and shape warm and captivating.
Guest - May 04, 2006 12:13 AM EDT
now I just forgot to say, yes please Mel, I'd love to see more pics of the plant in full bloom, very interesting as well as lovely.
Guest - May 04, 2006 12:11 AM EDT
well, it's very good, Mel, as I said, I love it. And had forgotten to remark that the title is perfect for it also. I have had a lot of fun drumming up names for some of mine : )
Guest - May 03, 2006 06:01 PM EDT
Hehehe, I wish nature could be a bit sureal at times... But for the mean time lets leave that to our own imaginations! I don't actually know the name of this flower. When we moved into our new house, we let the garden grow to see what would pop up, this was growing like a weed in one garden. It looks like a dianthus (there are 300 or so types - so could be!). I will post more so you can see it in full bloom if you like. Right, what did I do to it to enhance it?... I used MS Photo Editor and turned it into a negative (with all red, blue, green colours on). I did other combinations and they are all different, but I liked this one the best due to its firey centre (very fitting to the name I choose I thought). Thanks again for reviewing my work Alandra, Mel.
Guest - May 03, 2006 05:17 PM EDT
wonderful, Mel!! I love it. What type of flower is this? It's nice to see someone else working at this. Must get back at doing some more of it also, as love doing that. At least, I assume you have digitally altered it : ), but perhaps that's the way this type of flower grows in NZ.

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