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Finch at top of spruce tree.


Guest - Nov 10, 2006 09:31 PM EDT
Beautiful shot of the finch Carol! Neat how he's perched on top of the pine like that. Don
Guest - Nov 10, 2006 03:13 PM EDT
Thanks Anne for the lovely comment. I think this one thinks its King of the roost, all the birds arent really very nice to each other no matter how sweet they look.They can be very agressive.LOL
Guest - Nov 10, 2006 01:19 PM EDT
What a cutie. I think it has an ornery little look about it even though it looks so very sweet. Perhaps the ornery look is in the eye of the beholder. *LOL* Great picture.
Guest - Nov 10, 2006 07:53 AM EDT
Thanks Alandra for commenting,as of Nov. 10th they are still here. There was about a week they seemed to disapear but a few came back and are still here.
Guest - Nov 09, 2006 10:56 PM EDT
lovely little finch, and such pretty colours of the background also. We have no finches here now, am surprised they are still there. Do they stay there all winter? Ours seem to depart in wintertime.
Guest - Nov 09, 2006 09:00 PM EDT
Thanks Alan and Mike for the lovely comments,I appreciate them very much.
Guest - Nov 09, 2006 04:45 PM EDT
wonderful picture of this finch and to get this close to one brilliant
Guest - Nov 09, 2006 03:19 PM EDT
Another outstanding photo Carol!! I like the background, it's prefect and the Finch is posing so nice. Great Job!!

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